Saturday, October 22, 2011

Benches at last

Amy loves it when I have a little time between projects. She has been waiting for two years for me to make benches that can be pushed all the way under the table. The idea being that the kids can't climb up onto the table and that the benches don't crowd the room when they are tucked away.

I used some reclaimed oak to match the weathered wood of the table. The top of the bench is Cherry, which will take a few months to darken and match the table top. The stretchers are a mix of some pretty scraps that have been kicking around the shop for a few years, waiting for their time to shine.

She is so happy not to have the thrift store menagerie of chairs that circled the table. Sorry it took me so long sweet heart!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Consume or Create

This is an in-progress report of the first round of workshops.

So far the first and second workshops have gone swimmingly. I was thinking after the first class how valuable it would have been at the onset of my accidental induction into the woodworking profession to have taken a course like this one! I am jealous of the participants.

I have no dazzling new machines. We do not meet in an 8,000 square foot shop. I do not give speculative advice on how to get rich quickly. We just cover the straight dope! Lots of things that help woodworkers avoid many of the mistakes that I had to make: Safety, milling, construction, joinery, finishing. A starting-from-scratch approach that breaks concepts into comprehensive pieces for the mind to easily digest. The approach is simplified, but not simplistic. It is the way I wish I had started! It also is a working demonstration of how to put together a lean, low-overhead shop.

I feel like by teaching these workshops, I am offering something of value to the world. Woodworking is, after all the most enjoyable profession. We are not accidentally a culture of Purchase! Discard! Consume! It is not a secret that the few profit by ensuring that we have plenty of inexpensive and disposable goods to choose from. Why not learn instead to use your hands and build something permanent and meaningful? Fight waste! Learn to Create!

Here is a cutting board we made in the second workshop:

The next round of workshops will be starting in a few weeks. If you'd like to reserve a spot or make suggestions on a schedule that is more convenient, send me an e-mail.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Like & Win

Hello small flock of followers! I have decided to give away one of my reclaimed racks to one lucky person who chooses to "like" Ivory Bill on facebook. Double entries for those who share the post on their facebook pages and link back to the giveaway. Get the word out!

Hang your hat and coat on a piece of history! This reclaimed rack is made of a piece of old-growth oak from the side of a barn and is 100+ years old. Mother nature has been working for decades on the silvery dark patina. The surface has been left un-planed and only lightly sanded so that it is smooth to the touch. This rack looks good among modern and rustic decorations alike. Non-toxic beeswax finish.

Good luck!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Workshop Update

Only one spot left for the workshops! If there is enough interest, I will repeat this same round of classes at the beginning of November. Leave a comment or send me an email:

Monday, October 3, 2011

Store Items #1

Here are some additional views of the items on sale in the new ready-made shop:
Send me an e-mail to come and view the items in person!

CALICO A-TABLE This new A-table has about the prettiest top I've ever made, the grain and color is an excellent match. There is some interesting patterning in the grain including some lighter and darker marks. The base has a mix of old and new woods, creating a table that is patchwork-like.




Exciting News! Fall Workshops

I have 4 spots open for my first round of woodworking fundamentals workshops. The idea for workshops arose from endless inquiries from friends and clients to come and sweep my shop in exchange for woodworking savoir faire. This first round starts October 11 and will be a 6 week course meeting Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6 to 8pm. There will be a repeat of the same workshops starting at the beginning of November. Participants can pick and choose which classes sound most interesting, or sign up for all of them. Download the PDF for pricing and info!

This first round is the pilot round and I have one spot already reserved. It is a first come first served operation. Jump on it!