Friday, April 29, 2011

Tag Team Installed

This is part two of an earlier post. It is rare to get pictures of finished work as I have repeatedly lamented in past entries. The installation is close to complete in these photos, but it at least shows off the finished product. This is that colossal veneered vanity that was shown in the unfinished state. The finish is a rich dark one. So dark in fact that it veils much of the depth of figure in the mahogany. However still an impressive imposing thing when it is all together looming over you. The nickel pieces are difficult to appreciate in the photos, but they contrast in just the right way.Picture it with shiny sconces and beautiful hardware.

We also built two matching linen cabinets in the same crotch mahogany. I am told that they will have a light fixture hanging down in the middle where the flat portion of the top is.

When money is not the driving factor in the design, this is what you build.

Monday, April 25, 2011


My talented friend Matt Irving was kind enough to come a a second's notice and take some photos of my latest set. Thank you Matt! There are a few updates to the website, check it out!